Managed IT Systems Industry Quotes

Programming for passion -- not profit -- produces high-quality software
This piece by Nicholas Petreley belongs in the ranks of all time classics. He shares a few examples of passion driven projects which have shaped this world into being a better place to live and work. Yes Nick, the LFSF team is "paying attention". Keep up the great work, friend.

Markl's Thoughts: Shipping Software
We were very surprised here at LFSF to bump into this BLOG posting. Mark Lucovsky "gets it" down at the core level... the "it" that can radically change the IT systems in this world for the better. He speaks out against the injustices of the IT industry as a whole, the things that most folks do not like... but are not really doing anything to change them for the better either. "Let's go, let's make this world a better place for a few people!"

Microsoft Says Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
Hello, Microsoft is even endorsing our vision... Funny, they told us "No" back in 1995. Rock on, we have "self-healing" Malware, but not "self-healing" computers... what a concept!

Could a common installer be the answer for desktop Linux?
At a sort of philosophical level, Neil McAllister waves a flag to cut down on the sheer complexity of Linux based IT systems. Further proof there is a fire burning out there... just Neil is not a member of the "Been there, done that" club.

Real-world laptop recovery lessons
It is just one story out of a million such incidences which happen daily: Chad Dickerson recounts the many hoops they must jump through while attempting "to just get some work done" in the real world.

Hurdles remain for electronic software distribution
Tim Wilson provides a yet current snapshot of the complexities of managing an IT system, and the challenges of creating a positive difference by sprinkling on some management tools to the status quo.

Managing desktops and laptops more complex than ever
Audrey Rasmussen's title sums it up well. "Hello, are we seeing a pattern here...?!"

Failed Windows XP Upgrade Downs 60,000 UK Gov't PCs
This one is absolutely hilarious! Perfectly affirms the two quotes just above this one.

Quicken won't install, HP makes the call - No more April Fools' for me
Guys, it's not working... it's not working to ship a separate installer with every software application. How long do you all insist on banging you head into a concrete block wall... how long? Stop the insanity.

Zotob Madness and the Real Cost of Windows vs. Linux
The media calling the media "clueless"... can it get much better?

Zotob Proves Patch Management Isn't Enough
Here we go... "Patch Management Isn't Enough"... brilliant, right on. Correct, what is enough is a highly engineered IT system, designed to be reliable and secure, and an automated system to monitor and maintain all aspects of that IT system.

Controlling the uncontrollable user
Here we go... Roger Grimes reports on the risks of allowing everyone to be an IT administrator. But since the IT industry has failed to deliver "Computing That Just Plain Works!™", that is exactly what the entire world does... "everyone must be their own IT administrator". That means clicking on an infinite number of dialog boxes asking all sorts of technical questions... What ever happened to these computer things being here to help us get our work done?!

Gulf SMBs Flirting with Disaster
Yet another example. IT systems are so inefficient to administer that IT administrators do not have adequate disaster recovery plans and procedures in place. "Oh it's only the IT system that makes the entire organization work... it's not like it is critical or anything!" Come on, we can do better than that! This world DOES need more efficiency, not red tape, in administering IT systems... there are a lot more things that the average IT system needs... NEEDS!!! done to it, and inefficiencies are stealing resources away from getting those things done.

Industry Survey Shows SMBs Lack Minimal Security
Here is another article covering roughly the same point of view as the article just above.

Sony ships sneaky DRM software
This one actually made pretty big news. Once again, the "Big Bothers" in this world care more about protecting their own interests than ethical relationships with their clients. This IS a big deal. The entire world deserves bullet proof IT systems... not merely ones that boost revenue earnings for the vendors the IT system is comprised of. IT systems should be properly secured so a music CD being popped into the CD drive does not open up the entire organization for attacks from inside or out.

Sony President quote about the news item just above...
Priceless... "Never mind the man behind the curtain..."

Why Does Windows Still Suck? Why do PC users put up with so many viruses and worms? Why isn't everyone on a Mac?
We don't pay people to say this stuff... We would just like to help them have less to complain about.

Enterprises still running old Java and Flash software, Websense finds
Now the year is 2013... "Same old story, different year."

Surviving a cloud-based disaster recovery plan
Esther Schindler has here an informative piece warning against naively putting all of your eggs into the cloud basket, supposing that in the cloud "nothing bad could possibly happen".

Pfizer, a Kalamazoo, Michigan, location company got Cyberattacked
Seems hackers gained access to Pfizer either time clock or payroll system and overpaid associates. Now Pfizer wants the over-payment back. Why not just utilize AI Powered Desired End-State Software Distribution to manage computers at Pfizer, harder to hack into unnoticed?!

Put not your trust in Windows – or CrowdStrike
A friend of mine wrote an article about the IT meltdown around the world yesterday. My response follows:

Greetings Steven, While I tout that I have been running Linux on my desktops since 2007, I will be quick to point out that the failure was not specifically a Windows-centric failure. It was a change management / code promotion failure. Therefor it could have happened to any operating system. Yes, even Linux or MacOS. The world needs Desired End-State Software Distribution meticulously rolling out the software, AND to utilize the proper Dev / QA / Prod deployment strategy. No one.... NO ONE belongs deploying first to Prod. NO ONE!!! Yet the majority of this world "Develops in Prod". And we get the results / fruit of doing so. BANG!!! Bad day Friday. Those Microsoft or CrowdStrike updates should be vetted by the customer companies to confirm the update does not do bad things in their unique configuration / environment. Use proper Dev / QA / Prod code promotion. "A British Bank is run with precision. The rest of the world needs the same." Michael Lueck, Esquire

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Last update:   20 July 2024